Lady Twilighters is a nine-hole golf league that plays in the late afternoon on Thursdays during the months of April – October at Antelope Hills Golf Course.


PURPOSE: To promote interest and participation in golf for women of all skill levels and to create an environment of learning, skills improvement, rules adherence, and most importantly fun.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to all women interested in playing in a 9-hole golf league. Members must have or establish an Arizona Golf Association handicap. The League will provide information and assist members as necessary in obtaining and maintaining an AGA handicap.

HISTORY: The Lady Twilighters Golf League was chartered in 2005 when a group of women lead by Julie Cargill and Cindy DeLong identified a need to have a golf league for women who worked, which would necessitate a later start time. Antelope Hills Tournament Director (at that time) Darlene Love, LPGA, provided league assistance and coined the name Lady Twilighters. Individual tee times, as opposed to shotgun starts, were used for league play. The signature social event was a year-end banquet called The Golden Putter.

By 2011, the Lady Twilighters Golf League had increased to 67 members. Occasional shotgun starts were utilized but many members still preferred individual tee times. To increase camaraderie, a weekly post-game snack was offered.

A major over-haul occurred in 2018 when bylaws written by President Linda McCoy were introduced and voted into practice. All starts are shotgun and a post-game dinner is the norm.

In recent years, our special events included Mystery Madness, 2021; Fall Follies, 2022; and Mission Impossible, 2023. In both 2022 and 2023, league membership included 86 ladies.
